January 19 , 2025

Welcome to Servant’s Heart Fellowship!
Proclaiming Christ for you in Word, Table and Song!

Giving Options: 
Online, on the app, mail a check or place in the offering box in the back of the sanctuary.

Kids' Ministry Meeting:
Today immediately after the morning worship service in the largest classroom . This will be a quick meeting for all kids' ministry volunteers and for anyone interested in helping in kids' ministry.

Youth Group: 
132 Candlewood Rd. Rocky Mount

Prayer Summit:
Thursday, January 23 from 9am-2pm at Your Choice Resource Center. Come for some of the event or stay for all of it. If you can’t attend you can pray sometime that day for YCRC. Pick up a flyer on the welcome table for more info.

Affirmation Vote:
 Sunday, January 26 after the service we will affirm Rob Lipford as assistant pastor working part time with Dan.

Peacemakers Trivia Night:
Friday, January 31. If you would like to be a part of an SHF trivia team, see Darlene Overton for more details.

James Bible Study:
A 10 week study starting Tuesday evening, February 4 from 7-8:15pm or Wednesday morning, February 5 from 9-11:15am. The cost of the workbook is $23. You can sign up through the app or see Diane Land.

Ladies' Galentines Gathering:
Wednesday, February 12 @6:30pm at Candace's home. Be on the lookout for a signup for food. We will be playing the game "Favorite Things" again this year. So bring 2 of your favorite "self care" items and you'll leave with 2 other items. They can be anything you use or do to take care of yourself, boost your happy hormones or just make you smile. There is no price point. See the SHF Ladies' Facebook page in the events section for more info.

Iron Men Breakfast Seminar:
Saturday, February 15
8:45am to 12pm
SHF Building
No cost for the seminar but a love offering will be taken up for The Hope Program for special needs children. Free book for all men who attend.  

Celebrate Life Banquet:
Thursday, February 20 @6:30pm at Englewood Baptist Church.
We have reserved a table and have 4 seats available (no cost to you). If you would like to attend, please let Autumn or Jennifer know.

Kids' Ministry Verse Of The Month:
Lord, you have made many things. With your wisdom you made them all.
Psalm 104:24a
Psalm  148:1-4

At Your Name
Man Of Sorrows
Jesus In My Place
What A Beautiful Name
The Lord's Payer (It's Yours)

Exodus 20

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We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.